
Sunday, 26 September 2010

Maps, Satire and International Opinion- perfect

Proper update on how to watch football matches/other less important sport on your laptop coming later today, but briefly I must direct you to this amazing site, Mapping Stereotypes

It contains a series of maps of Europe based on stereotypical opinions:

Europe according to USA:

Europe according to France:

Europe according to Germany:

Europe according to Italy:

Europe according to Bulgaria:

Europe according to Britain:

As I say, check the site out. As someone who has travelled round Europe a couple of times, opinions of other nations within the continent always fascinated me.


  1. HAHA this is awesome. I wish I could go to europe to see if people there are as stereotypical as they are here

  2. saw this a few weeks ago on Stumble. Gave me a chuckle then.

  3. Meh, Finland is ALWAYS about Nokia?

  4. if it makes you feel any better, my opinion of Finland is a prosperous, intelligent nation, which dwells in madness and depression in its spare time.

  5. These are awesome! Europe according to America looks regrettably accurate.

  6. That's really neat, gotta love stereotypes.

  7. I thought the Americans' views would be even stupider -the image creator gave em way too much credit imo.

  8. haha selfish fisherman's land...

    thats priceless

  9. I love maps like these...this is awesome.

  10. I found this humorous.

  11. I am neckbeard why you gotta be an asshole?

  12. why did i have to be born in America?
    I just felt my national pride just drop...

  13. Fuck yeah maps!

    Ive been thinking about growing a neckbeard and building a basement. What do you think I should do?

  14. dude, this is the funniest blog post i've read

  15. HAHA!! noisy friendly godfathers with pizza and museums C-C-COMBO!!

  16. As someone from the United States, I've wondered just how people in other parts of the world view us regionally. Do they know about our "Bible belt?" Do they view the west coast as this pure California Hollywood thirty mile zone type place? Do they associate Florida as the place where people of Semitic origin go to die? Do they understand New England? Are they familiar with our country's most Mormon state? Do they know about our Amish population?

    Generalizations are fascinating. There are too many questions to list here. None the less thanks for posting this, I found them pretty amusing. I would like to see more stuff like this with different places and perspectives.

  17. Down with the Evil Federated Empire!

    Rule Britannia!

